Getting braces is typically not the orthodontic treatment you look forward to experiencing unless you understand the value of the results. Braces in Bellflower CA offer you the opportunity to straighten your teeth for a more confident and healthy smile. As a trusted solution for correcting misalignment, overbites, and underbites, braces may be the best option for helping you achieve the smile of your dreams.
How Dental Braces Work
The orthodontist first will evaluate your bite and oral habits by visually examining your occlusion. It is recommended you be free of cavities and have healthy gums before starting braces treatment. The orthodontist requires a cavity clearance form to be signed by your dentist, as long as, the last dental check-up has been within 6 months. Panoramic X-rays, photos, and study models will be taken of your teeth and gums to guide the orthodontist to evaluate the jaw joints and overall health of the teeth that cannot be diagnosed by visual exam.
After the evaluation, your orthodontist will place the braces (brackets) on your teeth by applying special bonding material, composite, and curing light. This procedure is pain-free and you should not feel any discomfort. After the braces are placed, a Niti (Nickel Titanium) wire will be placed on the braces. At this point, you will select any color of ties that go around the braces.
Once the ties are in place the orthodontist will show you how to brush and floss and discuss all the foods that must be avoided during orthodontic treatment. It’s essential to note that you will feel some discomfort 24 hours after the wire is placed and it should last for 2-3 days.
Schedule Your Consultation
To find out if braces are right for straightening your smile, please contact your dentist in Bellflower CA to schedule your consultation to achieve the smile of your dreams.