Sara had recently migrated from Thailand to the USA and she was very concerned about her smile. As you can tell one of her Front teeth is blocked behind the other teeth, since there was no room in her jaw. She was very concerned about her smile and she didn’t want to talk to anyone.
She came to our office based on one of her friends referral. We promised her that we will give her the dream smile that she deserves.
I decided to pull four first pre-molar teeth (side teeth behind canines) teeth to creat space and bring the front tooth to Front.
After 18 months her treatment was completed and from the after pictures there is no way to tell that she has missing teeth. She has a very confident smile and she has pursued modeling.
This Is story of Jessica that she has very crowded teeth and there is no space for canines to come down. As you can tell from the picture, Jessica’s tongue is on the lower and pushed her teeth forward.
One of my responsibilities as an orthodontist is to train the tongue to be at the correct position to prevent pushing teeth forward.
During the 18 months of her Orthodontics treatment I helped Jessica to reposition her tongue on the correct position and we were able with the use of braces to make her smile straight.
This is the story of Mike. He was very concerned with his teeth not being straight and his canine being so high up. He refused to smile and his dream was to one day have his teeth straight.
Mike found us on the internet and he read our reviews and he always has anxiety of going to the dentist.
He told me that I trust you based on all the great reviews that I read about you and I am willing to do whatever it takes to get my smile corrected.
He was very happy that at Dreamland Dental we provide all the dental specialists, so he could do all his dental treatment at one location.
After 18 months of orthodontist and braces treatment, mike finally started smiling without hiding his teeth.
Michael has always been embarrassed about his diastema (Dental gap) between his teeth. His dentist told him that he had no option but only wearing braces or veneers. When he came to our office for his complementary orthodontic consultation, he told us that as a professional motivational speaker he can’t wear braces since he has to talk on a daily basis.
Although, braces and veneers were both great options. we offered him invisalign (invisible trays) and we were able to close his diastema in less than 12 months.
He was very happy with his results.
Sherry’s dream was to have her smile corrected and she found us on the internet and she told me that she her only concern in life is to have her smile corrected.
Her treatment is very complex and requires a knowledgeable orthodontist to make give her the best smile.
In this treatment we were able to shift her upper teeth and bring them down. She was extremely happy after 18 months of wearing clear braces. She got her smile back and she got so confident that she found her soulmate.
Adriana is 10 years old and she has been missing an upper side tooth. We were able to make all her teeth straight and also give her a temporary tooth for the missing space until she is 18 years old.
The temporary tooth will save the space and allows Adriana to have the perfect smile. At age 18, we will place an implant for the missing tooth.
Melissa has an extra tooth between her teeth, which is called supernumerary tooth. Melisa used to get picked on in school because of her teeth. Although, she came to us at age of 10. I recommend all parents to bring their kids to be seen by us for a complementary braces consultation at age 7.
After pulling the extra tooth and placing braces, Melissa got her perfect smile and she has not been picked on by the school kids.
This is one of my favorite stories. I treated Jessica without pulling any teeth and using palatal expander and traditional braces.
I had told Jessica’s parents that we will try to expand her upper jaw and hopefully we can open enough space for all her teeth to become aligned and if after 6 months there is not enough space then we will consider pulling teeth to create space.
We were able to open space and give her the most beautiful smile in less than 20 months.
Jessica is 4 years old and unfortunately lost her front teeth due to an accident. Since the adult teeth are not coming out until age 7 and the family didn’t want her to be toothless. We made her temporary front teeth that are cemented to her back teeth. Now she can smile with confidence.
By the way, the best age to visit a dentist it is around 6months to 1 year old and to visit an orthodontist is around 6 to 7 years old.
We had to pull the front tooth since it had a lot of bone loss. but on the same day that we pulled the tooth and placed bone graft, we gave our patient a temporary partial denture to cover the missing tooth. Sandara was so happy and nobody can tell that she has a missing tooth. In a few months when the extraction site heals then we can place an implant.
Mon – Fri
9 AM to 6 PM
Sat – Sun
16537 Bellflower Blvd Suite BBellflower, CA 90706
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